Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day....

The holiday of Valentine's Day probably derives its origins from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. In the early days of Rome, fierce wolves roamed the woods nearby. The Romans called upon one of their gods, Lupercus, to keep the wolves away. A festival held in honor of Lupercus was celebrated February 15th. The festival was celebrated as a spring festival. Their calendar was different at that time, with February falling in early springtime.

One of the customs of the young people was name drawing. On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars. Each young man drew a slip. The girl whose name was chosen was to be his sweetheart for the year

Legend has it that the holiday became Valentine's Day after a priest named Valentine. Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor at that time, Claudius II, ordered the Roman soldiers NOT to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as married men, his soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars. Valentine defied the Emperor's decree and secretly married the young couples. He was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and put to death

Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, the eve of the Roman holiday Lupercalia. After his death, Valentine was named saint. As Rome became more Christian, the priests moved the spring holiday from the 15th of February to the 14th - Valentine's Day. Now the holiday honored Saint Valentine instead of Lupercus.

Now let me ask you this what the hell does any of this have to do with chocolate hearts and flowers..nothing yup you heard it here first nothing. Valentines day is just a sham. a ridicoulos holiday fashioned to make those of us not "in love" feel lonely and inadaquate. Oh I have no one to give me chocolate and flowers which we have already eshtablished has nothing at all to do with anything. It's stupid and silly. All weekend I watched commercial after commercial "show her you love her with a $700 diamond heart pendant" like that is the only way to show true love on Valentines day. What happened to the words "I love you" or a hug or anything for that matter. However if you don't go out of your way to impress on this sham of a holiday you get the height of hell. You are dubbed an asshole insensitive and a jerk. And why? Cause in the early days of Rome, fierce wolves roamed the woods nearby. The Romans called upon one of their gods, Lupercus, to keep the wolves away. A festival held in honor of Lupercus was celebrated February 15th. Does this really make any sense to anyone?? Cause it sure as hell doesn't to me. I appreciate a gesture of love just like anyone but I would rather receive it from the heart not from Hallmark. So for all of you who do or don't receive diamonds flower or chocolate remember it doesn't really matter anyways cause apparently Valentines day has nothing to do with love at all. Fierce wolves and be headings don't exactly coincide with the warm fuzzy feelings of love. I guess chocolate and flowers are better that receiving a head in a box or a fierce wolf delivered to your door, they still don't make any damn sense to me. I hate Valentine's Day I just thought I would share some ramblings with those of you I love. Instead of the traditional diamonds and flowers.