Monday, July 11, 2011

Garden Gnomes = Evil

Every wonder why in the world people put lawn gnomes on their lawns. Garnted they are designed for the lawn but I still ask why? What the hell does a gnome have to do with the lawn? Does he use his magical little powers to help your grass grow? Hello people the thing is made of plastic and sold at Wal Marts across North America where the hell is the magic in that? Everytime I see one of the gnomes I feel like ringing the doorbell and talking to the idiot that bought it. But I don't and why don't I? Because I know they are going to give me an answer befitting an idiot. " Because they are cute" As to which I must reply by first smaking them in the head and then telling them that this so called cute little mass produced plastic thing that they bought at Wal Mart is in fact frightening. Don't they notice the children crossing the street pointing and running in the other direction crying? That is not what children do if they see a cute little creature. No it is not. I have yet to see a child cuddling a lawn gnome or asking if they can have one in their rooms and why? Because they are very similiar in likings to a troll. And what are trolls know for? Yes thats right hiding under bridges and scaring young children. So some moron decided to take a troll shrink it down in size put some stupid bright clothing on it, a beard of course to mask the troll resemblance,and giving it a sharp jagged gardening tool. Then they mass produce this little evil creature,sell it by the thousands to Wal Marts across North America and selling it to idiots. So if you yourself have a garden gnome you may want to ask yourself why oh why do you hate children?

My new mantra... "Let it go"

I need to learn to just "let it go". Three small words, insignificant on their own, but put together they create a phrase that I am hearing again and again in my head these days... "let it go" just "let it go".

Now, this could be because I have an obsessive personality and things that bother me, cause me to obsess over them, and the only real way to make everything okee dokee again, is to solve what it is that is causing the bother. Ahhh much much easier said than done. It is not an easy task to solve the issue, when said issue does not only include yourself. And these are the times when I need to learn to walk away and let it go. Try and try as I may, I will not be able to change someone's way of thinking, or change their idiotic self absorbed personality, hypothectically speaking of course.

It is especially frustrating when I go against all of my gut instincts, and all of my best judgement and try to make the best of a situation, only to get shit on it the end. Because again, when dealing with a hypothetical self absorbed idiot, can you really expect an outcome that is actually beneficial for everyone, and not just what suits this hypothetical idiot? Sigh... no, no you cannot. But I try to be the bigger person, actually I am the bigger person because I even put forth the effort in the first place. This in and of itself should be the grounds to "let it go" and walk away from the situation, a better person having learned a lesson. Nope. Can't do it.

I read once that holding a grudge is just letting someone rent free space in your head, and again you'd  think this would be enough to say you know what, fuck it, Im moving on, letting it go. Nope. It's not so much of a grudge then a need to solve the situation make the problem go away, then and only then can I move on. This is obviously not working out so well for me. I need to be able to look at a situation and say to myself, "this is the best that it is ever going to be" and just "let it go".

I am not sure why I feel this need to right all the wrongs and make every situation in my life a tolerable one, at the very very least. I guess it is because no one really enjoys having to deal with an akward, uncomfortable or anger filled situation. But we can't all get what we want, so we have to find alternatives. And I have decided that my alternative is to forget about it, and to move on and to truly let it go. No it won't always be easy, but it is what is best for me and my situation and sometimes, especially in cases like these, it is okay to be selfish and look out for yourself. And with these words.. I am taking a deep breath... counting backwards from 10...


and letting it go.