Thursday, January 20, 2011

Faulty 14th

Oh it is almost that time of year again, when Hallmark and other corporations tell you that the 14th is THE day to confess your love and devotion, and of course the only way to do this is with overpriced flowers (marked up just for this romatic of all days) diamonds and for the less fortunate who are alone and depressed, chocolate.

Call me crazy, you definately wouldn't be the first; but I thought that love was a year long ordeal, something that you feel everyday of your life, and likewise should be celebrated everyday of your life, one way or another. However, it seems to be socially acceptable to treate your significant other like dirt one the 13th of February, call them a douchebag on the 15th, but as long as you buy them a card and some roses on the 14th all is hunky dory. I am not sure where the logic is in all of this, but then again, Im also not sure how naked angels get involved in this holiday either.

If you hapen to be single on this day, ohhh the horror! It is almost mandatory to watch romantic movies, eat ice cream and cry yourself to sleep... uh... what? How can one single day have such an affect on us? If you are single, embrace it. If you are naive enough to celebrate this day, celebrate it by loving yourself, one should never need another to validate ones self, especially because Hallmark said you should. Man up people!

Love is a many splendid  thing, but it's worth should not be, cannot be, put up against diamonds, flowers, chocolates, and edible underwear.. well maybe the latter..

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