Friday, January 21, 2011

Confrontation is worth the end result.

They say that there is a time and place for everything, but when is the time and place to break up with someone? I ask not because I am intrested in performing this act that we all dread, but only because I have seen too many people in relasionships that should be ended, myself included at one time or another in my life.

In this era of technology and social networking, I wonder how many people have been dumped, via facebook or a text message or by another impersonal means. I would like to say to those people who did the dumping in that fashion that that is just in bad taste, and is by all means the cowardly way out of a situation. If you have spent time with another person and have developed feelings and shared intimate moments, than you at the very least owe that person the common decency of a face to face conversation. Don't take the easy way out, man up and do the right thing.

Of course on the flip side, you have the people that just stay in stagnant, unfullfilled relasionships because they cannot or do not want to have that conversation, that confrontation and it is somehow easier to just stay unhappy and live in the comfort zone, rather than do the thing that you both know you need to do and move on. I have been guilty of this myself, so I speak from personal experience when I say, get out. Life is too short to be unhappy.

And worse still are kids that are forced to live in an environment of misery because their parents are staying together "for the sake of the kids". It doesn't really work out to that, if the kids end up learning to be miserable and in turn have a jaded outlook on love, because they see their parents in what they call love, but everyone knows is just comfort and cowardess. Kids thrive in a happiness, and if that happiness is acheived by their parents living apart, I say better to be happy and apart then together and miserable. The ends justify the means.

Don't get me wrong, I am not an advocat for break ups, I am an advocat for happiness. I just figure if you know you could be happier with someone else, then you should take that route. If children are involved, than yes, you really need to take a good hard look at yourself and the situation and see if moving on is truly what you want or if it is just a passing phase of hardship. We all go through those, no relasionship is easy, none are roses and rainbows and sunshine and lollipops, but there are times when they should be.. not all the time.. but if you are never experiecing the brighter side, then you really have to ask yourself if you are ok with living yourself in the shadow of what could be.

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