Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I am fully aware that some of you may take this blog, personally, so I ask you in advance not to. Take it with a grain of salt and remember it is only my opinion...

I would think that in this day and age, where we have cars that can park themselves, and cellular phones with the internet on them, and fingerprint detection technology that maybe just perhaps they could perfect this thing called birth control? I mean really how hard is it to not get preganant?  Or is it just that in this day and age people don't put the same importance on having children like they once did. I mean ok, I do think that a child born out of wedlock being called a bastard and shunned from the rest of civilization is more than a tad bit extreme, but what of a child having half brothers and sisters from different parents? Is that not also a tad bit extreme as well?

I heard a story, where an OBGYN was actually surprised when a couple told her that their pregnancy was planned, I mean ok really how awful is that? We can put a man on the moon, build nuclear power plants, but we cannot seem to prevent fertilization? I find this hard to believe. It is not that there are not effective methods of birth control out there, I believe that it is because people just don't care anymore. It is not uncommon for a couple to get pregnant months after being together, and even less uncommon for  them to later break up and start families again elsewhere. Am I the only one who sees issue with this? Am I just old fashioned? I do not think that you need to be married to have children but I do believe that you have to really have a level of commitment to the relasionship before you can even fathom the idea of a child, and there is no way you can acheive that level of comittment in only a few short months.

And ohh yes, how can we forget the woman, ohhh the woman who gets pregnant to keep her man. Don't we all hold a special place on our hearts for this girl. Men, word of advice, do not trust a woman's birth control. Never ever leave this in her hands alone, if you do you are only asking for trouble. Cover up. Protect your self and your future and your unborm children, because let's face it, who wants their child raised by that type of woman? In fact who wants to be with a woman like that at all? Ditch the bitch.

Or the man who will not take responsibilty for his child and simply turns and walks out. Forfeiting all possibility of being a good father and robbing his child of a crucial relasionship they require in their lives. Ohhh how we all love the deadbeat dad. Ladies, I believe you can tell this quality, if you can call it that, in a man from the get go, and if you feel that he would walk oit on you and your child if the situation were to occur, you do not need him. Lose the loser.

Of course accidents happen. Nothing in this world is foolproof. but I am curious to know how often these "legitiamte" accidents happen and how many are just neglegance.. missing a pill or forgettting to buy condoms.

Having a child changes your life, and every other child after that affects the life of your current children. Family dynamics have definately changed and evolved over the years, but are we really on the right path? We are teaching future generations that it is ok to have children young: out of a serious relasionship: with multiple people; to simply pay child support and move on.. is this really the life we want for ourselves and the message that we want to be putting out there to our children?

to breed or not to breed

Why does there seem to be such a huge rift in the lives of those who have children and those that do not? I mean ok yes  having a child does change your life and yes they do take up loads, if not all of your time, but just because you are a parent does not mean that you are not the same person that you once were. I have friends that are parents and they are perefctly capable of being the same friend to me that they always were. I hate the notion that there are now seperate groups of friends, those with kids and those without. And what I hate even more is the way that both sides pity the other, as though non one could possibly be happy on the other side of the fence. Those without kids pity the parents who are tired, cannot go out like they once used to, who spend all day caring for their children. Those with kids pity those who are not parents because they are still partying like they used to at their age, they have no one to care for and do not understand the wonderment of being a parent.
Who cares if you have no kids, or 3 kids, if you are still the same crazy woman that I once knew and loved, then what do I care if you have a family or not? One choice is not better than the other, so really people it's time to remove your head's out of your asses and see things for the way they really are.

Friday, May 6, 2011

second best

Everyday I am a little bit more in love with my husband, and this continues to surprise me because I did not think that it was possible to love him anymore than I already do. This makes me think back to the 6 years when we were apert living our own lifes and how I thought of him each and everyday but would not allow myself, any more than just that thought.. which brings me to another thought. How many people are not with the "one".

How many people have lost the "one" and have not got them back? How many people are with their second best, becuase the one with whom they really want to be no longer shares the same feelings for them? This is not to say that they are unhappy or that they do not love the one that they are with, but simply means that this person was their second best. I am not sure how I would feel knowing, or thinking, that I was someone's second best. I know that I am fortunate to know that my husband was thinking about me and missing me during the time that we were apart just as I was, however at the time, I thought he was happy and was unaware he shared my feelings. Those 6 years were very heart wrenching and emotionally draining, I cannot imagine what that must feel like, when there is no end to it. How do you deal when the one that you love, does not love you back. I know that love fades over time, but does the want to be with someone ever fade?