Friday, May 6, 2011

second best

Everyday I am a little bit more in love with my husband, and this continues to surprise me because I did not think that it was possible to love him anymore than I already do. This makes me think back to the 6 years when we were apert living our own lifes and how I thought of him each and everyday but would not allow myself, any more than just that thought.. which brings me to another thought. How many people are not with the "one".

How many people have lost the "one" and have not got them back? How many people are with their second best, becuase the one with whom they really want to be no longer shares the same feelings for them? This is not to say that they are unhappy or that they do not love the one that they are with, but simply means that this person was their second best. I am not sure how I would feel knowing, or thinking, that I was someone's second best. I know that I am fortunate to know that my husband was thinking about me and missing me during the time that we were apart just as I was, however at the time, I thought he was happy and was unaware he shared my feelings. Those 6 years were very heart wrenching and emotionally draining, I cannot imagine what that must feel like, when there is no end to it. How do you deal when the one that you love, does not love you back. I know that love fades over time, but does the want to be with someone ever fade?

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