Tuesday, May 24, 2011

to breed or not to breed

Why does there seem to be such a huge rift in the lives of those who have children and those that do not? I mean ok yes  having a child does change your life and yes they do take up loads, if not all of your time, but just because you are a parent does not mean that you are not the same person that you once were. I have friends that are parents and they are perefctly capable of being the same friend to me that they always were. I hate the notion that there are now seperate groups of friends, those with kids and those without. And what I hate even more is the way that both sides pity the other, as though non one could possibly be happy on the other side of the fence. Those without kids pity the parents who are tired, cannot go out like they once used to, who spend all day caring for their children. Those with kids pity those who are not parents because they are still partying like they used to at their age, they have no one to care for and do not understand the wonderment of being a parent.
Who cares if you have no kids, or 3 kids, if you are still the same crazy woman that I once knew and loved, then what do I care if you have a family or not? One choice is not better than the other, so really people it's time to remove your head's out of your asses and see things for the way they really are.

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