Thursday, February 24, 2011

It is not easy, to say good-bye

Death is one of the most difficult things that a person will ever have to face in their lifetime. There never seems to be a good reason why, a right time, or the the right way to lose a loved one. We all know that inevitabely everyone and everything that lives will at some point in time, die, but we push this knowledge to the back of our minds in hopes that we will never have to face the day that we know is on it's way.
There is no greater loss than the loss of a loved one, knowing that you will never see them, hold them, talk to them, or just be with them, ever again is just pure torture to the soul. How can you ever get over the great feeling of sadness that settles deep within you and roots itself into your very being. The truth is that you never can. You will never be without the loss, it has become part of you, just like that living thing was a part of you. The pain will subside with time as the healing process moves on, and you will be able to fondly remember the good times, the happy time, and the funny times, but you will always wish that there were more to add to the library that you have kept alive in your heart. And that is how the life lives on, through us, through the ones that refuse to let the memory of a wonderful friend, a pet, a parent, and grandparent, or anyone we have lost, become forgotten. We talk about them, we remember them, and we share our memories with other's, this is how we keep the life going, this is how in our own little way, we don't allow death to be the final frontier.

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