Friday, February 25, 2011

The little liar that could

We all know one, the liar.

Everyone lies, of course, we have to admit to that. Now of course there are your little white lies, and then there are the big honking lies that you pray no one will ever find out about, but that is human nature, we lie to save ourselves, to escape confrontation,embarrassement or hostility. But then there are those of us who lie on a continual basis, time and time again. When I say "liar" I am referring to the person who couldn't tell the truth if it was written down for them. The one who thinks that no one will ever discover their lie, no matter how obvious it is.

For instance the one who lies about medical science, who tells you things you know are impossible by scientific fact, yet they play you like a fool and act as though they are the exception, as if the rules that govern the rest of us don't apply to them. "I can hold my breath for 10 minutes under water..." SURE you can Aquaman.. sure you can. Or the one who tells a story, in which you were involved, to a third party and totally embelishes on the actual truths, and they know you were there, they know you know they are lying and yet they keep right at it, as if it's no biggie to them, "We were chased by rabid dogs..." And then there is the one, oh the worst one, the pathological liar.. ahhh yes, the little liar that could.

The pathological liar is incapable of the truth, every aspect of their life is a lie, they lie so much that they don't know where one lie begins and the other one ends, and neither do we. So, we give up. This is the type of person who you can call out on an obvious lie, and rather than admit the truth, they will just continue to lie about it... " I know you were cheating on me because we broke up in July, and on FaceBook you put in a relasionship since April..." "I know you weren't sick that day you took off from work, I SAW you at the store..." "I know you were not where you said you were on Wednesday you got a parking ticket from the other side of town..." and in spite of the undeniable evidence layed out in front of them.. they will still lie... lie more to cover up the original lie. And this is why we give up. We know there is no point in arguing it.. I just wonder if they know the truth or are they starting to believe their own bullshit.

I once saw a person, face to face, and had a conversation with them at their place of work... they later denied that they ever worked there... that gave me a whole new perspective of the pathological liar. I figure there are 2 types. Type 1 can't help it. They lie just to lie. They may not even  realize they are doing it anymore as it has become such a habit. Type 2 lies becuase they know that what they are doing is wrong. They know that their actions will cause judgement and they are not willing to accept responsibility for these actions so they deny them. Either which way you slice it, no one wants to be involved with a person they cannot trust. Trust is the building block for all relasionships, and if you are lying to form these relasionships, know that the lies will be discovered in time, they always are, and then you will be left alone, lying to yourself as to what really happened and why you are alone and friendless. And that, my friend, is the truth.

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