Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crazy + Stupid = True Love

I have a theory about men and woman. And I just may have the equation to true love. Move over eHarmony, I have a much easier way to determine whether you are soulmates, and it won't cost you a subscription.

Men are all stupid. They cannot help it. The stupid gene is present in testosterone and there is just nothing you can do about that fella's. Of course, there are degrees of a man's stupidity. The degree of stupidity however is not directly linked to the level of testosterone, meaning that a very manly man is not automatically more stupid than your metro sexual girly man. I am still working on the exact formula, stay tuned for that. Either way, I digress. Men are stupid.

Women are all crazy. They cannot help it. The crazy gene is present in the uterus. There are again varying degrees of crazy that can be found woman to woman, but there will always be some form of crazy.

Now this is where the magic happens... A man who is more stupid is compatible with a woman who is more crazy. He is too stupid to realize her absolute insanity, and she is to insane to realize his absolute stupidity. Example: A very crazy woman will be a disaster, mentally and emotionally. A very stupid man will not realize this and will be happy to be with her. The crazy woman will not realize that only a very stupid man would be with her and she is happy to have anyone in her life.

You doubt this? Take a look at those around you... you will see that this theory works out again, and again and again.

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