Monday, July 11, 2011

Garden Gnomes = Evil

Every wonder why in the world people put lawn gnomes on their lawns. Garnted they are designed for the lawn but I still ask why? What the hell does a gnome have to do with the lawn? Does he use his magical little powers to help your grass grow? Hello people the thing is made of plastic and sold at Wal Marts across North America where the hell is the magic in that? Everytime I see one of the gnomes I feel like ringing the doorbell and talking to the idiot that bought it. But I don't and why don't I? Because I know they are going to give me an answer befitting an idiot. " Because they are cute" As to which I must reply by first smaking them in the head and then telling them that this so called cute little mass produced plastic thing that they bought at Wal Mart is in fact frightening. Don't they notice the children crossing the street pointing and running in the other direction crying? That is not what children do if they see a cute little creature. No it is not. I have yet to see a child cuddling a lawn gnome or asking if they can have one in their rooms and why? Because they are very similiar in likings to a troll. And what are trolls know for? Yes thats right hiding under bridges and scaring young children. So some moron decided to take a troll shrink it down in size put some stupid bright clothing on it, a beard of course to mask the troll resemblance,and giving it a sharp jagged gardening tool. Then they mass produce this little evil creature,sell it by the thousands to Wal Marts across North America and selling it to idiots. So if you yourself have a garden gnome you may want to ask yourself why oh why do you hate children?

My new mantra... "Let it go"

I need to learn to just "let it go". Three small words, insignificant on their own, but put together they create a phrase that I am hearing again and again in my head these days... "let it go" just "let it go".

Now, this could be because I have an obsessive personality and things that bother me, cause me to obsess over them, and the only real way to make everything okee dokee again, is to solve what it is that is causing the bother. Ahhh much much easier said than done. It is not an easy task to solve the issue, when said issue does not only include yourself. And these are the times when I need to learn to walk away and let it go. Try and try as I may, I will not be able to change someone's way of thinking, or change their idiotic self absorbed personality, hypothectically speaking of course.

It is especially frustrating when I go against all of my gut instincts, and all of my best judgement and try to make the best of a situation, only to get shit on it the end. Because again, when dealing with a hypothetical self absorbed idiot, can you really expect an outcome that is actually beneficial for everyone, and not just what suits this hypothetical idiot? Sigh... no, no you cannot. But I try to be the bigger person, actually I am the bigger person because I even put forth the effort in the first place. This in and of itself should be the grounds to "let it go" and walk away from the situation, a better person having learned a lesson. Nope. Can't do it.

I read once that holding a grudge is just letting someone rent free space in your head, and again you'd  think this would be enough to say you know what, fuck it, Im moving on, letting it go. Nope. It's not so much of a grudge then a need to solve the situation make the problem go away, then and only then can I move on. This is obviously not working out so well for me. I need to be able to look at a situation and say to myself, "this is the best that it is ever going to be" and just "let it go".

I am not sure why I feel this need to right all the wrongs and make every situation in my life a tolerable one, at the very very least. I guess it is because no one really enjoys having to deal with an akward, uncomfortable or anger filled situation. But we can't all get what we want, so we have to find alternatives. And I have decided that my alternative is to forget about it, and to move on and to truly let it go. No it won't always be easy, but it is what is best for me and my situation and sometimes, especially in cases like these, it is okay to be selfish and look out for yourself. And with these words.. I am taking a deep breath... counting backwards from 10...


and letting it go.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I am fully aware that some of you may take this blog, personally, so I ask you in advance not to. Take it with a grain of salt and remember it is only my opinion...

I would think that in this day and age, where we have cars that can park themselves, and cellular phones with the internet on them, and fingerprint detection technology that maybe just perhaps they could perfect this thing called birth control? I mean really how hard is it to not get preganant?  Or is it just that in this day and age people don't put the same importance on having children like they once did. I mean ok, I do think that a child born out of wedlock being called a bastard and shunned from the rest of civilization is more than a tad bit extreme, but what of a child having half brothers and sisters from different parents? Is that not also a tad bit extreme as well?

I heard a story, where an OBGYN was actually surprised when a couple told her that their pregnancy was planned, I mean ok really how awful is that? We can put a man on the moon, build nuclear power plants, but we cannot seem to prevent fertilization? I find this hard to believe. It is not that there are not effective methods of birth control out there, I believe that it is because people just don't care anymore. It is not uncommon for a couple to get pregnant months after being together, and even less uncommon for  them to later break up and start families again elsewhere. Am I the only one who sees issue with this? Am I just old fashioned? I do not think that you need to be married to have children but I do believe that you have to really have a level of commitment to the relasionship before you can even fathom the idea of a child, and there is no way you can acheive that level of comittment in only a few short months.

And ohh yes, how can we forget the woman, ohhh the woman who gets pregnant to keep her man. Don't we all hold a special place on our hearts for this girl. Men, word of advice, do not trust a woman's birth control. Never ever leave this in her hands alone, if you do you are only asking for trouble. Cover up. Protect your self and your future and your unborm children, because let's face it, who wants their child raised by that type of woman? In fact who wants to be with a woman like that at all? Ditch the bitch.

Or the man who will not take responsibilty for his child and simply turns and walks out. Forfeiting all possibility of being a good father and robbing his child of a crucial relasionship they require in their lives. Ohhh how we all love the deadbeat dad. Ladies, I believe you can tell this quality, if you can call it that, in a man from the get go, and if you feel that he would walk oit on you and your child if the situation were to occur, you do not need him. Lose the loser.

Of course accidents happen. Nothing in this world is foolproof. but I am curious to know how often these "legitiamte" accidents happen and how many are just neglegance.. missing a pill or forgettting to buy condoms.

Having a child changes your life, and every other child after that affects the life of your current children. Family dynamics have definately changed and evolved over the years, but are we really on the right path? We are teaching future generations that it is ok to have children young: out of a serious relasionship: with multiple people; to simply pay child support and move on.. is this really the life we want for ourselves and the message that we want to be putting out there to our children?

to breed or not to breed

Why does there seem to be such a huge rift in the lives of those who have children and those that do not? I mean ok yes  having a child does change your life and yes they do take up loads, if not all of your time, but just because you are a parent does not mean that you are not the same person that you once were. I have friends that are parents and they are perefctly capable of being the same friend to me that they always were. I hate the notion that there are now seperate groups of friends, those with kids and those without. And what I hate even more is the way that both sides pity the other, as though non one could possibly be happy on the other side of the fence. Those without kids pity the parents who are tired, cannot go out like they once used to, who spend all day caring for their children. Those with kids pity those who are not parents because they are still partying like they used to at their age, they have no one to care for and do not understand the wonderment of being a parent.
Who cares if you have no kids, or 3 kids, if you are still the same crazy woman that I once knew and loved, then what do I care if you have a family or not? One choice is not better than the other, so really people it's time to remove your head's out of your asses and see things for the way they really are.

Friday, May 6, 2011

second best

Everyday I am a little bit more in love with my husband, and this continues to surprise me because I did not think that it was possible to love him anymore than I already do. This makes me think back to the 6 years when we were apert living our own lifes and how I thought of him each and everyday but would not allow myself, any more than just that thought.. which brings me to another thought. How many people are not with the "one".

How many people have lost the "one" and have not got them back? How many people are with their second best, becuase the one with whom they really want to be no longer shares the same feelings for them? This is not to say that they are unhappy or that they do not love the one that they are with, but simply means that this person was their second best. I am not sure how I would feel knowing, or thinking, that I was someone's second best. I know that I am fortunate to know that my husband was thinking about me and missing me during the time that we were apart just as I was, however at the time, I thought he was happy and was unaware he shared my feelings. Those 6 years were very heart wrenching and emotionally draining, I cannot imagine what that must feel like, when there is no end to it. How do you deal when the one that you love, does not love you back. I know that love fades over time, but does the want to be with someone ever fade?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crazy + Stupid = True Love

I have a theory about men and woman. And I just may have the equation to true love. Move over eHarmony, I have a much easier way to determine whether you are soulmates, and it won't cost you a subscription.

Men are all stupid. They cannot help it. The stupid gene is present in testosterone and there is just nothing you can do about that fella's. Of course, there are degrees of a man's stupidity. The degree of stupidity however is not directly linked to the level of testosterone, meaning that a very manly man is not automatically more stupid than your metro sexual girly man. I am still working on the exact formula, stay tuned for that. Either way, I digress. Men are stupid.

Women are all crazy. They cannot help it. The crazy gene is present in the uterus. There are again varying degrees of crazy that can be found woman to woman, but there will always be some form of crazy.

Now this is where the magic happens... A man who is more stupid is compatible with a woman who is more crazy. He is too stupid to realize her absolute insanity, and she is to insane to realize his absolute stupidity. Example: A very crazy woman will be a disaster, mentally and emotionally. A very stupid man will not realize this and will be happy to be with her. The crazy woman will not realize that only a very stupid man would be with her and she is happy to have anyone in her life.

You doubt this? Take a look at those around you... you will see that this theory works out again, and again and again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Flowers vs Blow Jobs

Yesterday was Steak and BJ Day, a month after Valentine's Day and I guess it is the man's rebuttal to this holiday. In fact after reading about the holiday, I have learned that this is a win-win as men will try harder on Valentine's day to assure that they get a memorable March 14th. It makes sense to me.

You see here is the difference between men and women simply explained. Most women want romance, a little gesture that shows her that her man loves her. Doesn't matter if it is on a holilday in which he is obligated to show his love. All that matters to her is that she gets that gesture, flowers, a card, jewlery, chocolate, dinner, candlelight, and so much more define what Valentine's Day has become. Women want their man to gush and fuss over them and make a big ordeal and make them feel special. Men on the other hand, want a good steak and some oral sex. That is what it takes to make your man feel special and loved. And doesn't he deserve it?

At first I will admit, I thought, wow that is a little offensive, but once I gave it a little thought I realized that it is no more offensive than asking your man to be something that he usually is not on Valentine's Day to make you feel special. Men like to be spoiled as well, and why shouldn't they be? So their idea of romantic spoiling may be a little bit different than your own, but if he can muster it up and buy you a lala love card and send you roses so that you can brag to your friends about the wonderful man you have, then really, how awful is it that you reciprocate with something that makes him happy.While he is eating his steak, you'll have a mouthful of your own. Give him something to brag to his friends about.

After all aren't relasionships compromise?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Montreal Thanks You for the Humilation.

Let me first start off by stating for the record, that I am not an NHL fan as of late. I haven't watched a game in about 5 years now, so before anyone reads this and goes off on me for being a Bruins fan, know your facts.

Injuries in sports are unfortunately an occurance that happens. Many a player has been injured by accident or by intention, and neither one is acceptable in the eyes of a fan. It is an easier pill to swallow when an injury is an accident of course, but you will always have those people who feel that is was intentional. Now I may be naive in saying this, but I would like to believe that even though a hit may be intentional, the serious injury that it may or may not cause was not the intention. Yes, of course there are the goons on the ice that are put there to man handle the other players, and to protect their star players, and while they are aggressive and there to be physical, I again would like to believe that they never intentionally plan out to end someone's career. In the end no one but the aggressor will ever truly know the real intentions, and who are we to judge? Who are we to say, out of anger, that someone meant to cause the injury that could possible end a career? Are we clairvoyant and all knowing? Last I checked you were a pissed off fan sitting on your couch.

Eric Lindros had his career ended in the semi-finals for the Stanley cup, did the city of Philly cause an uproar? Crosby is still recovering from a very serious injury, and he is just a kid, has Pittsburgh declared war against Washington? Koivu suffered an injury to his eye and did Montreal.. oh wait... I am sure we did do something stupid.

This city's hockey fans, and I use the term lightly, because in my mind if you were a fan who would not disgrace your city and your team the way that these so-called fans have done, time and time again. Win or lose somehow our city ends up in flames and riots. We actually have the odasity and the balls to boo a national anthem, holy disrespect batman. You should be slapped in the mouth for such outrageously disgusting behaviour. Twice. With a bat. And then the icing on the cake was when I heard that there were fans (again using the term loosely) that were actually calling the police emergency line to report Chara. ARE YOU FOR REAL PEOPLE? Have you actually become this retarded from the so called love of a game? Holy f**k get a life, get laid, get a hobby, do something with your life because you are spiralling out of control. This type of behaviour is dispicable, disgraceful, idiotic, insane, and these people should be fined for their stupidity and suspended from the game of life for their actions. Forget hockey people, you have gone to far here. Or better yet, the police should respond to their call with a house call and a smack in the mouth with a baton. Twice.

Now please, do not get me wrong. I think that it is awful what happened to this kid, at only age 22 he has his whole career ahead of him. I think that the NHL really needs to take a good look at what is going on out there on the ice because it seems to be a regular occurence these days, that someone is injured by a dirty hit. This is not MMA here, this is hockey. I am not familiar with the rules of the game anymore, but I can say that there seems to be something lacking in terms of consequences.

What I do think is wrong is the way that our city is reacting to this. I have to say that rioting, setting our city on fire, booing national anthems, and now calling emergency lines that are reserved for you know, emergencies, is downright embarrassing not only to our city as a whole, but to the team. Would you want to be drafted to a team, who's fans reacted in such a way? I'm going to go with no. Someone said "well you have to admire their passion" ya about as much as I would a husband who commits a murder suicide after catching his wife with his best friend.

You want to make your voice heard? Do it the right way. Go about the right channels to make it heard that these type of incidences, regardless of what team the player is on, are not going to be tolerated by the fans. Make the NHL feel it where they will feel it the most, their pocket. Boycott the sport if you have to. Do not humliate our beautiful city. But more importantly, do not humiliate those that are REAL fans of the sport.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Little Winter Perspective

It's still winter time in good ol'Montreal and guess what folks, that means snow. Imagine that? Snow, in winter, in Montreal. I know I am just as shocked and appualed as all of you are, I mean who would've thunk it. I mean living here for 29 years and every winter it is the same thing, cold weather and snow, but yet each and every winter there seems to be shock and awe that we are getting this type of weather. I have to ask, people what do you expect in winter, really? Sunshine and birds chirping? Perhaps a trip to the beach? If these are the winters that you expect, I have news for you, it is never gonna happen in good old Montreal Canada. Time to pack your bags and head off for a warmer climate.

Now I know to many of you this seems ideal, but personally I am happy to stay in my city and brave the few months of cold and snow and sleet and slush. Yes, I do love the summer, I in fact hate the cold, I am like a lizard, cold blooded and thrive off of heat and humidity, but I also enjoy the fact that our winter kills the things that could kill me, such as scorpions, poisionous snakes and spiders. I enjoy not having to worry about what may have crawled into my shoe that could bite me and cause me to have a seizure. I enjoy going outdoors for a BBQ and being able to walk through wooden areas without stomping my feet and screaming so that any snake that may be lurking, waiting to drive it's fangs into my exposed ankle, will hear me and slither away. I especially enjoy being able to leave my windows open at night without having to tear the sheets off my bed, checking for whatever insect may be in there, pregnant and hoping to lay eggs in my face.

And then of course there is the weather itself, but I will have to say that I would much rather deal with a snowstorm, than a hurricane, earthquake or tornado,anyday. I would much rather shovel out my car and walkway then have to dig through the remants of my house to look for my loved ones. Last time I checked there has been no evidence of a snowstorm coming and blowing your house away, three blocks down.

I think we should be thankful to live where we live, we have the experience of 4 seasons each year, we do not have insects that can kill us at their lesiure, we do not have storms that can destroy our lives, we have cold weather and snow 4-5 months out of the year... dear lord people put it into perspective, grab your snowpants and toboggan and enjoy the snow, because we all know that in only a few short months many of you will be complaining about the heat.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

To Intervene on natural selection

I have become sadly addicted to watching Intervention. I have watched all seven seasons on NetFlix and still am looking for more. Not sure what it is about junkies that stimulate my mind, but it is there. So, then I got to thinking... they have interventions for drug addictions, eating disorders, video game addictions, why not have an intervention to save some one from their own stupidity?

I personally know at least a dozen people who could benefit tremendously from an intervention of this manner. "I have seen your stupidity affect your life, negatively, in the following ways..." I know that you can think of someone and complete that line of thought. Lord knows that I can.

It is a sad state of affairs that stupid people are allowed to run rampant through society, drive cars, and even breed. There is something to be said about a person that is incapable of caring for themselves procreating, and trust me it is nothing good. Hell, why we are at it why don't we start another intervention craze, the "You shouldn't breed intervention." Ahh now there is an idea... and sadly we all know a few of those, and even more sadly some that have already spread their seed.

In nature there is natural selection... the slow, the weak, the dumb, they get eaten or starve, maybe we should just skip the interventions and take a lesson from good old mother nature... after all mother knows best.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Ex Factor

What is it about ex's that has the ability to drive one absolutely maniacal? (There may be some solace in knowing, that we are the Ex Factor in someone else's life.)

Is it because this person knows, what we now deem, too much about us and we wish we could erase their memory and take it all back? Hindsight is always 20/20 and that knowledge doesn't really do much good, when you are wishing you had in at the time. It is very easy to fall in love, it is very easy to give away one's secrets when you are with someone whom you trust and feel so strongly about. The problem arises, when you no longer are in love with this person and they still know your secrets, your insecurities and of course how to push each and everyone of your buttons, good or bad. You are then left feeling totally vunerable, and open to attack from this person, and there is only so much defense you can use against what they already know to be true about you. The ex knows your friend, your family, where you hang out, where you grew up, what you love about yourself, what you hate about yourself, possibly you have been intimate with this person, and you share certain memories that you cannot share with anyone else. This can be comforting if you are one of the few who can take a step back from all of this and remain friends after the love has faded, however more often than not, the love fades, and the friendship is anihiltated. We cannnot take back the past, so we are left to face it time and time again in our future.

Or perhaps, it because the relasionship ended in a bad way and the fond feelings we once had have been replaced by dreadful amount of contempt? If a relasionship ends in a bad way, and I know we all have at least one story here, the love quickly crosses the line to contempt and then all bets are off. The person whom we once shared our deepest feelings with, is now the person we would run over with our car and than back up over to assure we did the job. This is the person who once filled our facebook profile pictures, and now all pictures have been deleted by smashing on the delete button and any hard copie have been torn to pieces and then lit on fire for good measure. This is the person who was welcome to call you at anytime day or night, and now we have changed our phone number and have instructed everyone not to give it out. This is the person whom we once loved and now we full out hate. At this point we do not care what they know about us all we care about is that we do not have to think about them anymore. In my opinion this type of hatred is usually caused when you are still madly in love with the person, but they did something that you can not forgive, or perhaps they left you and broke your heart.

Which brings me to my next thought... maybe the ex drives us so insane because we are still in love with them. Ahhhh yes, the sweet sweet smell of denial. I know that from personal experience this was my cross to bear for many years. When you are no longer with the ex and they have moved on and so have you, but you still think about them, you wonder what they are doing, whom they are with, are they happy, are they thinking about you, and then you try to convince yourself that you are better off without that person, and force yourself to remember the bad times (which we all have) over the good time and time again, if this is your thought process, my friend you are still in love. It is a very hard revelation and quite the kick in the teeth when you know in your heart that "the one" got away. And that is why the ex has such a power over us.
Happily I can say that I am done with ex's in my life as I have found my one, and he is no longer and ex, he is my husband.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The little liar that could

We all know one, the liar.

Everyone lies, of course, we have to admit to that. Now of course there are your little white lies, and then there are the big honking lies that you pray no one will ever find out about, but that is human nature, we lie to save ourselves, to escape confrontation,embarrassement or hostility. But then there are those of us who lie on a continual basis, time and time again. When I say "liar" I am referring to the person who couldn't tell the truth if it was written down for them. The one who thinks that no one will ever discover their lie, no matter how obvious it is.

For instance the one who lies about medical science, who tells you things you know are impossible by scientific fact, yet they play you like a fool and act as though they are the exception, as if the rules that govern the rest of us don't apply to them. "I can hold my breath for 10 minutes under water..." SURE you can Aquaman.. sure you can. Or the one who tells a story, in which you were involved, to a third party and totally embelishes on the actual truths, and they know you were there, they know you know they are lying and yet they keep right at it, as if it's no biggie to them, "We were chased by rabid dogs..." And then there is the one, oh the worst one, the pathological liar.. ahhh yes, the little liar that could.

The pathological liar is incapable of the truth, every aspect of their life is a lie, they lie so much that they don't know where one lie begins and the other one ends, and neither do we. So, we give up. This is the type of person who you can call out on an obvious lie, and rather than admit the truth, they will just continue to lie about it... " I know you were cheating on me because we broke up in July, and on FaceBook you put in a relasionship since April..." "I know you weren't sick that day you took off from work, I SAW you at the store..." "I know you were not where you said you were on Wednesday you got a parking ticket from the other side of town..." and in spite of the undeniable evidence layed out in front of them.. they will still lie... lie more to cover up the original lie. And this is why we give up. We know there is no point in arguing it.. I just wonder if they know the truth or are they starting to believe their own bullshit.

I once saw a person, face to face, and had a conversation with them at their place of work... they later denied that they ever worked there... that gave me a whole new perspective of the pathological liar. I figure there are 2 types. Type 1 can't help it. They lie just to lie. They may not even  realize they are doing it anymore as it has become such a habit. Type 2 lies becuase they know that what they are doing is wrong. They know that their actions will cause judgement and they are not willing to accept responsibility for these actions so they deny them. Either which way you slice it, no one wants to be involved with a person they cannot trust. Trust is the building block for all relasionships, and if you are lying to form these relasionships, know that the lies will be discovered in time, they always are, and then you will be left alone, lying to yourself as to what really happened and why you are alone and friendless. And that, my friend, is the truth.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It is not easy, to say good-bye

Death is one of the most difficult things that a person will ever have to face in their lifetime. There never seems to be a good reason why, a right time, or the the right way to lose a loved one. We all know that inevitabely everyone and everything that lives will at some point in time, die, but we push this knowledge to the back of our minds in hopes that we will never have to face the day that we know is on it's way.
There is no greater loss than the loss of a loved one, knowing that you will never see them, hold them, talk to them, or just be with them, ever again is just pure torture to the soul. How can you ever get over the great feeling of sadness that settles deep within you and roots itself into your very being. The truth is that you never can. You will never be without the loss, it has become part of you, just like that living thing was a part of you. The pain will subside with time as the healing process moves on, and you will be able to fondly remember the good times, the happy time, and the funny times, but you will always wish that there were more to add to the library that you have kept alive in your heart. And that is how the life lives on, through us, through the ones that refuse to let the memory of a wonderful friend, a pet, a parent, and grandparent, or anyone we have lost, become forgotten. We talk about them, we remember them, and we share our memories with other's, this is how we keep the life going, this is how in our own little way, we don't allow death to be the final frontier.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Confrontation is worth the end result.

They say that there is a time and place for everything, but when is the time and place to break up with someone? I ask not because I am intrested in performing this act that we all dread, but only because I have seen too many people in relasionships that should be ended, myself included at one time or another in my life.

In this era of technology and social networking, I wonder how many people have been dumped, via facebook or a text message or by another impersonal means. I would like to say to those people who did the dumping in that fashion that that is just in bad taste, and is by all means the cowardly way out of a situation. If you have spent time with another person and have developed feelings and shared intimate moments, than you at the very least owe that person the common decency of a face to face conversation. Don't take the easy way out, man up and do the right thing.

Of course on the flip side, you have the people that just stay in stagnant, unfullfilled relasionships because they cannot or do not want to have that conversation, that confrontation and it is somehow easier to just stay unhappy and live in the comfort zone, rather than do the thing that you both know you need to do and move on. I have been guilty of this myself, so I speak from personal experience when I say, get out. Life is too short to be unhappy.

And worse still are kids that are forced to live in an environment of misery because their parents are staying together "for the sake of the kids". It doesn't really work out to that, if the kids end up learning to be miserable and in turn have a jaded outlook on love, because they see their parents in what they call love, but everyone knows is just comfort and cowardess. Kids thrive in a happiness, and if that happiness is acheived by their parents living apart, I say better to be happy and apart then together and miserable. The ends justify the means.

Don't get me wrong, I am not an advocat for break ups, I am an advocat for happiness. I just figure if you know you could be happier with someone else, then you should take that route. If children are involved, than yes, you really need to take a good hard look at yourself and the situation and see if moving on is truly what you want or if it is just a passing phase of hardship. We all go through those, no relasionship is easy, none are roses and rainbows and sunshine and lollipops, but there are times when they should be.. not all the time.. but if you are never experiecing the brighter side, then you really have to ask yourself if you are ok with living yourself in the shadow of what could be.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Faulty 14th

Oh it is almost that time of year again, when Hallmark and other corporations tell you that the 14th is THE day to confess your love and devotion, and of course the only way to do this is with overpriced flowers (marked up just for this romatic of all days) diamonds and for the less fortunate who are alone and depressed, chocolate.

Call me crazy, you definately wouldn't be the first; but I thought that love was a year long ordeal, something that you feel everyday of your life, and likewise should be celebrated everyday of your life, one way or another. However, it seems to be socially acceptable to treate your significant other like dirt one the 13th of February, call them a douchebag on the 15th, but as long as you buy them a card and some roses on the 14th all is hunky dory. I am not sure where the logic is in all of this, but then again, Im also not sure how naked angels get involved in this holiday either.

If you hapen to be single on this day, ohhh the horror! It is almost mandatory to watch romantic movies, eat ice cream and cry yourself to sleep... uh... what? How can one single day have such an affect on us? If you are single, embrace it. If you are naive enough to celebrate this day, celebrate it by loving yourself, one should never need another to validate ones self, especially because Hallmark said you should. Man up people!

Love is a many splendid  thing, but it's worth should not be, cannot be, put up against diamonds, flowers, chocolates, and edible underwear.. well maybe the latter..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Changes in Zodiac Signs

Astrologers have decided that after thousands and thousands of years, that there is now a new zodiac sign. There are not more important things that they could be using their time for, you know like looking for comets that may collide with earth, no they have to look for a way to piss of the general population of this planet.
What I find very intresting is how attached people really are to the Zodiac sign, as if the sign is what defines them. " I am an Aries and always will be..." ok well although I applaud your loyalty to your sign, you are actually no longer an Aries. This is not a choice that you were given in the first place, you birthdate chooses this for you, and it has decided that you are now a kitten, or a girafe or some other shit.
I am curious to know why people are taking this as a personal attack and are getting so riled up about it. People, people please. You are who you are, regardless of zodiac sign.. maybe for some of you this will  be an improvement in your life, hey if it wasn't working out for you as a Picses maybe now as a Gemini you can get that job, get a girlfriend and finally move out of mom's house... and if not wait around another thousand years and maybe you'll get a third shot, that is is the astrologers quit wasting their time and find that comet...